Monday, February 18, 2008

Online Detective Sites - Are They Scams?

The internet is an amazing tool, and as a result of the US Freedom of Information Act, ordinary people like you and me can now use the net to access information previously inaccessible. What does this mean exactly? And where can you go to find this sort of information? Let me explain.
Firstly, there are resources online (often called Online Detective Sites) which combine many databases into one place which enables you to investigate virtually anything or anyone within the United States. You can lookup criminal records, birth records, marriage records, adoption records-the list goes on. On top of this, you can also perform reverse searches on addresses, emails and phone numbers. For example, you can find where someone lives without knowing anything other than their phone number. Interesting, isn't it?

Unfortunately, many websites which offer these services are of low quality and often provide you with very limited or even fake information. In fact, only a small number of the online detective sites out there are legitimate (offering amazing value).

But once you've found a legitimate high quality service, you'll have access to an extensive database with over 98% of the US population listed in it. But how do you differentiate the low quality services from the high quality services? There are a number of websites which can point you in the right direction, which is important seeing as many online detective sites require a fee before you start using their services (usually a small fee of less than US$30).

Mark Hocking is a security enthusiast. Want to find out more? Check out this comparison of the top online detective sites on the net.