Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Home Security: Hidden & Wireless Cameras

Home Safety Council Offers Ways to Increase Home Security During Summer Travel Season

According to criminal experts the greatest number of home burglaries occur during the late summer months*, times when many families travel and enjoy family outings. To help make sure you return to a safe and secure home, the Home Safety Council offers simple steps families should take to increase their home’s security.

“Invest a little time to check the security of the inside and outside of your home, before vacations,� said Meri-K Appy, president of the Home Safety Council. “Look at your home the way a burglar or thief would and make security improvements before you leave town.�

The Home Safety Council is committed to helping you enhance the safety and security of your home, even when you are away. You can reduce the chance of break-ins by following these guidelines before going on vacation:

> Investigate all doors and door frames. Outside doors should be hinged from the inside. If you have sliding doors, place a bar in the inside track.
> Check to make sure all door and window locks are working. Replace any broken locks.
> Buy light timers for your home. Set them to come on in different rooms at different times while you are away.
> Shine security lights on key parts of your home and replace burned out or dim light bulbs.
> Place a blind or curtain over all windows so that no one can look inside your home or garage.
> Do yard work before you leave. Trim limbs and keep hedges neat so they can't be used by thieves for cover.
> Remove extra keys that are hidden outside. Give a spare house key to a close friend or family member. Ask them to keep an eye on the inside and outside of your home while you are away.
> Ask a friend or neighbor to park in your driveway and take out the trash.
> Stop newspaper and mail deliveries while you are gone.
> Think about buying a fire-proof home safe for important papers, jewelry, etc. Or keep these items in your bank safe deposit box until you get back.
> Never leave an answering machine message that tells you are out of town.
> Give your travel and contact information to a friend or family member so that you can be reached in case of emergency.

For additional information and resources to help you learn more and stay safe in and around your home, please visit www.homesafetycouncil.org.

*FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program (2002)

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