Thursday, August 18, 2005

Social Security Number Searches

Many people conduct searches for social security numbers (SSN) for many different reasons. A SSN verification tool will check the SSN for possible death records and will usually display the results on the screen immediately or email them to you. Typically if the SSN verification tool reports a SSN as "Valid" or "Active", it means the SSN has likely been issued by the state reported, and it has not been reported to the Social Security Death Index or SSN benefits were not paid. If the SSN reports back as "Invalid" the most likely explanation is that the state has not reported it as issued and/or it was found in the Social Security Death Index and SSN benefits have been paid.

Important: If you you want to find someone's social security number, you need to understand that this is a restricted search and is not available to the general public. Permissible purposes for requesting this search are as follows:
>Work involving a fraud investigation.
>Work in connection with identity fraud.
>Work in connection with debt or judgement collection.
>Work in connection or conjunction with official government business.
>Work in a civil or criminal investigation, where the Social Security Number is necessary to the investigation.

One of the best services we have found for Social Security Number search work is Best People Search.

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